作者:皮耶 - 奧古斯特 · 雷諾瓦
作者:皮耶 - 奧古斯特 · 雷諾瓦
《彈鋼琴的少女》 (Young Girls at the Piano) 是法國印象派畫家雷諾瓦 (Renoir) 的經典作品,目前流傳的版本共有 5 幅,但普遍認為巴黎奧賽美術館 1892 年的版本,構圖及保存最為完整。 畫中,白衣少女一手撫琴、一手翻著樂譜。身旁站著的女孩斜倚於鋼琴旁,與白衣少女一同看著樂譜,兩人神態怡然自得。而背景的家飾擺設,透露出少女們衣食無憂的環境,歲月靜好,音樂流溢而出。 雷諾瓦擅畫女性,常以兩個女性為畫中主角,讓畫面更熱閙活潑。他在作畫時並不使用輪廓線,而是以顏色與光影來刻劃出人物的立體感。他尤其偏好使用暖系色彩,讓畫面散發恬靜而祥和的氛圍。這些特色,在這幅畫中展露無遺。 這幅畫是描繪中產階級的代表作,在 19 世紀興起這個新族群,擁有美好、自由的日常生活,暫時不受戰火、飢荒、瘟疫所苦,可說是史上最幸運的一群人。
The painting name:【Young Girls at the Piano】
Painter :Pierre Auguste Renoir
Painter :Pierre Auguste Renoir
In late 1891 or early 1892 Renoir was invited by the French government to execute a painting for a new museum in Paris, the Musée du Luxembourg, which was to be devoted to the work of living artists. He chose as his subject two girls at the piano. Aware of the intense scrutiny to which his submission would be subjected, Renoir lavished extraordinary care on this project, developing and refining the composition in a series of five canvases. The Lehman painting and the nearly identical version formerly in the collection of Renoir's fellow Impressionist Gustave Caillebotte have long been regarded as the most accomplished variants of this intimate and engaging scene of bourgeois domestic life.
The distinction between the color of gold foil,we produced gold painted color rendering are gold color,gold foil to ensure the gold purity of 99% or more.In addition to maintaining the original appearance of the original paintings, but also showing the noble gold.Material and color if there are differences, it is difficult to create exquisite copy painting.The preservation of paintings will also be different.
The distinction between the color of gold foil,we produced gold painted color rendering are gold color,gold foil to ensure the gold purity of 99% or more.In addition to maintaining the original appearance of the original paintings, but also showing the noble gold.Material and color if there are differences, it is difficult to create exquisite copy painting.The preservation of paintings will also be different.
以含金純度99%以上純金箔(工研院 工服號碼9707B006登錄號碼9707CA04 Singapore SETSCO SERVICES PTE LTD No.H12850/NTL)精細複製,所投入的機器設備相當精密,人力更具有專業素養,對於品質、品管的管控標準相當嚴謹,呈現品牌產品應有的水準。
To gold purity of more than 99% pure gold(ITRI Service Number 9707B006, Registration Number 9707CA04 Singapore SETSCO SERVICES PTE LTD No.H12850 / NTL)fine copy.The investment in machinery and equipment is very sophisticated,more personnel with professional knowledge.For quality control standard of very strict quality control, product brand presents the standard expected.
To gold purity of more than 99% pure gold(ITRI Service Number 9707B006, Registration Number 9707CA04 Singapore SETSCO SERVICES PTE LTD No.H12850 / NTL)fine copy.The investment in machinery and equipment is very sophisticated,more personnel with professional knowledge.For quality control standard of very strict quality control, product brand presents the standard expected.