拿破崙跨越阿爾卑斯山(S)  |產品|各國名畫


【Napoleon Crossing the Alps】

作者:雅克 - 路易 · 大衛

◆ 品名:拿破崙跨越阿爾卑斯山
◆ 材質:含金純度99%以上純金金箔製作
◆ 黃金尺寸:145mm×174mm

代碼 M-04

作者:雅克 - 路易 · 大衛
1800 年拿破崙第二次遠征義大利勝利後,與西班牙卡洛斯四世(Carlos IV)和解並重建外交關係。畫家將《拿破崙越過阿爾卑斯山》原作複製多次,從 1801 - 04 年的這五幅畫裡,可以清楚看到達維的畫 風素描精確、色彩炫麗透明,絲毫不因複製作品而略減其嚴謹的態度,可作為繪畫史上珍貴的典範。
The painting name:【Napoleon Crossing the Alps
Painter Jacques-Louis David
Napoleon Crossing the Alps (also known as Napoleon at the Saint-Bernard Pass or Bonaparte Crossing the Alps) is the title given to the five versions of an oil on canvas equestrian portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte painted by the French artist Jacques-Louis David between 1801 and 1805. Initially commissioned by the King of Spain, the composition shows a strongly idealized view of the real crossing that Napoleon and his army made across the Alps through the Great St. Bernard Pass in May 1800.

The distinction between the color of gold foil,we produced gold painted color rendering are gold color,gold foil to ensure the gold purity of 99% or more.In addition to maintaining the original appearance of the original paintings, but also showing the noble gold.Material and color if there are differences, it is difficult to create exquisite copy painting.The preservation of paintings will also be different.
以含金純度99%以上純金箔(工研院 工服號碼9707B006登錄號碼9707CA04 Singapore SETSCO SERVICES PTE LTD No.H12850/NTL)精細複製,所投入的機器設備相當精密,人力更具有專業素養,對於品質、品管的管控標準相當嚴謹,呈現品牌產品應有的水準。

To gold purity of more than 99% pure gold(ITRI Service Number 9707B006, Registration Number 9707CA04 Singapore SETSCO SERVICES PTE LTD No.H12850 / NTL)fine copy.The investment in machinery and equipment is very sophisticated,more personnel with professional knowledge.For quality control standard of very strict quality control, product brand presents the standard expected.


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【Napoleon Crossing the Alps】

作者:雅克 - 路易 · 大衛

◆ 品名:拿破崙跨越阿爾卑斯山
◆ 材質:含金純度99%以上純金金箔製作
◆ 黃金尺寸:145mm×174mm