作者:宋 ‧ 蘇軾
作者:宋 ‧ 蘇軾
蘇軾(西元1036~ 1101)字子瞻,號東坡居士,唐宋八大家之一,博通經史、工詩文善書畫。其字師法顏真卿,但求形似,又變古法而氣魄雄偉。蘇軾用筆不合古法,因此遭到譏諷。他卻說:我書意造,本無法。明朝書畫大家-董其昌,在卷跋寫道:宋人文字,俱以此為極則。黃山谷更譽之為宋朝第一。《赤壁賦》為蘇軾謫居黃川時,與友人遊赤壁,睹景興懷,有感作賦;此時蘇軾時年四十七歲,個性上已不若年輕時的熱情、奔放,對世事的看法亦趨成熟。這段期間,也可說是他文學造詣的高峰期。此時期的最著名的文章當推《赤壁賦》。《赤壁賦》保留傳統賦體的對話特點,並大量使用散句,行文揮灑自如,奔放豪邁,景中含情,情中寓理;全文波瀾起伏,喜中含悲,悲中見喜,深具藝術水準;以簫聲引悲感,道曹氏往事,指人生易盡,不如自然無窮,又是何等黯淡;繼而,說物我水月,皆無窮盡,而吾人可共享山風明月,又何等超脫;結尾以痛飲酣睡收結,又何等暢快。全篇行文,有如天馬行空,空靈媚逸,筆端寄興,如有神助。清人力望溪曾評「此賦文境邈不可攀,非惟他人不能摹傚,即子瞻更為,亦不能如此調適而暢遂。」赤壁賦原卷前端破損缺三十六字,由文徵明補寫,餘皆蘇軾真跡,故為歷代收藏家所重視。
The painting name:【Chibi Prose】
Painter : Song ‧ Su Shi
Painter : Song ‧ Su Shi
Su Shi (1037-1101), styled "Retired Scholar Dongpo", a poet and statesman of the Song Dynasty. He was demoted and sent to Huanggang where he wrote the famous poem "The Great River Flows East" and essay series "Chibi_Prose". Thanks to him, Chibi, a cliff by the Yangtze River, has become a famous tourist attraction.
The distinction between the color of gold foil,we produced gold painted color rendering are gold color,gold foil to ensure the gold purity of 99% or more.In addition to maintaining the original appearance of the original paintings, but also showing the noble gold.Material and color if there are differences, it is difficult to create exquisite copy painting.The preservation of paintings will also be different.
The distinction between the color of gold foil,we produced gold painted color rendering are gold color,gold foil to ensure the gold purity of 99% or more.In addition to maintaining the original appearance of the original paintings, but also showing the noble gold.Material and color if there are differences, it is difficult to create exquisite copy painting.The preservation of paintings will also be different.
Products are waterproof, anti-UV,interlining for the EU environmental certification. The middle plate is moisture-proof material also a listed company cardboard, non-ordinary low-cost cardboard.
Products are waterproof, anti-UV,interlining for the EU environmental certification. The middle plate is moisture-proof material also a listed company cardboard, non-ordinary low-cost cardboard.
禾禮公司以「工藝傳世 黃金之美」 的目標理念,開發設計精緻的黃金畫作,全程台灣製作,堅持品牌產品的質量與整體設計,彰顯其高貴特色,整體設計包裝與市場其他金箔畫有明顯區分。
With the goal of "the beauty of gold in craftsmanship". Development and design exquisite gold paintings.All made in Taiwan, adhere to the quality of the brand name products and the overall design.To highlight its noble features,the overall design and packaging of the market with other clear distinction between gold painting.
With the goal of "the beauty of gold in craftsmanship". Development and design exquisite gold paintings.All made in Taiwan, adhere to the quality of the brand name products and the overall design.To highlight its noble features,the overall design and packaging of the market with other clear distinction between gold painting.
以含金純度99%以上純金箔(工研院 工服號碼9707B006登錄號碼9707CA04 Singapore SETSCO SERVICES PTE LTD No.H12850/NTL)精細複製,所投入的機器設備相當精密,人力更具有專業素養,對於品質、品管的管控標準相當嚴謹,呈現品牌產品應有的水準。
To gold purity of more than 99% pure gold(ITRI Service Number 9707B006, Registration Number 9707CA04 Singapore SETSCO SERVICES PTE LTD No.H12850 / NTL)fine copy.The investment in machinery and equipment is very sophisticated,more personnel with professional knowledge.For quality control standard of very strict quality control, product brand presents the standard expected.
To gold purity of more than 99% pure gold(ITRI Service Number 9707B006, Registration Number 9707CA04 Singapore SETSCO SERVICES PTE LTD No.H12850 / NTL)fine copy.The investment in machinery and equipment is very sophisticated,more personnel with professional knowledge.For quality control standard of very strict quality control, product brand presents the standard expected.